On the programme as a whole...
"It’s given us an opportunity to re-engage with the energy agenda and to really get up to date with developing community engagement and really think about how we can move forward and address some of the local challenges, so it has really been valuable.”
"I thought it was really good to deepen our understanding of the changes that are coming, and I also found that there was some really interesting technical information that I found very helpful."
"I found it really useful actually, it’s led to a step change in our knowledge and more importantly our confidence in taking forward our renewable energy project.”
On our workshops...
"Individually, I have learned a lot in terms of energy. I haven’t come from a tech or renewables background, so from my perspective I have learned a lot through the workshops themselves and from some of the people that I met on the course who are doing different things all over Scotland."
"The speakers were inspirational. Some of them were pioneers in their own right. What came out of the sessions was positive vibes, quite frankly.”
On our tailored support...
"We have had several people working on one thing and pushing it a lot, and you can see the fruits of that. I would say things have pushed along a lot over the summer as a result of the programme, we’ve really moved forward.”
"The CEF team member who is now working with us has been fantastic and helped us do some monitoring and planning that might have been a struggle had we been doing it ourselves."