In this workshop we look at a range of low carbon heat technologies, the benefits of energy efficiency measures, heat networks and smart electric heating. What are the key challenges that communities face and what activities should we prioritise in our efforts to decarbonise heat?
Key Topics
Heat Policy & Decarbonisation
Setting the scene on the policy environment around low carbon heat including the key drivers of decarbonisation and current available funding support.
Renewable Heating Technologies
We explore the different types of green heating technologies. Why are they sustainable, what factors should be considered prior to installation and what are the benefits and problems associated with them?
Community Led Action on Heat
A discussion of how communities can best engage in low carbon heat and energy efficiency activities, what issues should government be prioritising and what are the potential barriers to action?
Heat Networks
What is a heat network, why are they sustainable and what are the main challenges in setting one up?
Smart Electric Heating
A look at the impact of adding smart controls to heating systems and the opportunities for retrofitting
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